Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dinner With Friends

Last night I went to dinner with Rzyski and her grandparents, Ed and Peg. They were extraordinarily sweet and they took us to this amazing restaurant in Anderson. The interior of this place was like being out in the woods in some rooms and like being in a log cabin in others. We sat in the "forest" area. I honestly don't think I've ever enjoyed meeting any body's grandparents that much before.
After we got back to UIndy we left for BW3s where I treated my actors to dinner. We ended up staying and talking for hours. Overall yesterday was one of the better days I've had in months. (I'm sure the fact that finals were over that afternoon helped a little too. XD)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Spirit

Tonight I went to The Ream's Christmas party. This has been one of my favorite holiday traditions since my freshman year of college. The best part of the evening is when we all gather around Jim in his living room and listen to him read a Christmas story. This year his selection was The Polar Express. There is something about being nearly 21 years old and sitting around with the whole theatre department to have a children's story read to you. It is a tremendous gift; it feels like your five years old again, nothing in the world matters, you just listen to Jim and his story. Simply amazing.

Monday, December 10, 2007


All of my papers for the semester are completed! XD
I feel like a 200lb weight has just been lifted off my shoulders.
On to finals week! My biggest worry is that I might loss my voice for juries. :'(
Cross your fingers and hope I can still sing on Thursday!

Friday, December 7, 2007


The Shape of Things was nominated to go to this years ACTF!!!!! (American College Theatre Festival) This means I'll have more to do, which will be awesome! Believe it or not, I enjoy activities that don't involve drinking myself into oblivion for a week straight....crazy right? A theatre kid who wants to do more than get shit faced. I am on the electrics crew for this production, so I'll be spending a good amount of time up on a ladder.

We will be going to Milwaukee in January. This will be the third time I've gone to the festival, but the first time the school's picking up the check. A free week stay at a hotel and travel expenses paid = Awesome!

And! I turn 21 before we go so I'll actually be able to buy my own alcohol on the nights that I do choose to drink. That'll make things much less complicated. XD

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I've been awake for so long that my days are running together. I wish I could sleep more....I'm a much more intelligent person when I'm alert. I turn into a ditz when I do this shit. I try to sleep, it just doesn't really happen. Then I finally pass out and have to wake up in 2hrs or less to go do things. And what's bad about that is after I'm up and moving I'm not tired anymore. Physically I'm fine, the circles under my eye may be a little deeper, but I have plenty of energy. Mentally it's a little more wearing. That was made clear last night when I forgot traffic laws applied to me. It wasn't anything big, and we weren't in any was just stupid. Red lights are not stop signs, it doesn't matter what time it is.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Momma had to have surgery on her left hand today. She had carpal tunnel. I wish I could be home. She won't have use of her hands. One's paralyzed, the other is recovering. She has people with her to help out, but I still wish I was one of them.

Thanksgiving Break


I had a pretty positive holiday. I came home early to help Mom get everything ready; we have dinner at the house for her side of the family.
I did run over to see my dad's side for a couple of hours. They're still holding tradition with a lunch time "dinner" at St. Peter's Hall. I made Grandpa Herman a memorial and stopped by to see him before I left. It still doesn't really feel like he's gone. I also missed another Grandparent this Thanksgiving, but she's still around, just stubborn and claimed to be sick....

Nothing too terribly exciting happened. Kyle brought Guitar Hero home; now my whole family's addicted. Atleast I'm not alone! XD I also joined a game of euchre and discovered I'm still actually really good at it! We didn't get around to Rummy 500 or Poker, odd for Mom's side...*shrugs*...oh well.

The day after Thanksgiving we put up the Christmas tree. I believe Mom went shopping for a little while. I refuse. There are very few things I hate, but Black Friday is most defiantly on the list.

Paintball and Car Crashes

The Saturday after Thanksgiving I went with my brothers and some friends to play paintball. I got a slow start due to a migraine, but once I got there I was in; however, I did manage to hurt myself (and my gun) in game 3. We were playing capture the flag, and when I was running towards the flag my foot caught a stump that was hidden in tall grass. I fell chest first into the ground. I'm not sure exactly what happened next, all I know is I broke the elbow on my gun and it's shattered pieces cut my scalp. Ouch! It wasn't anything serious, no just looked like a thorn had stuck me. It's still a little tender now, but it's almost healed.

I also took a small blow to the head from little brother, Billy, when I tried to "wake" him. The little shit wasn't asleep, the asshole never flenched when I tried to make him go lay down in his bed....he just kneed me right where I hurt myself in paintball! He didn't mean to hurt me, he misjudged where I was. I love having brothers, lol. *rolls eyes*

Then, the end to my night was a car crash. Nothing serious. The friend I was riding with hit a dear. I yelled so we weren't going full speed, but she didn't see it until it was flipping over the hood. As of yet, we don't think the car was damaged too badly. I didn't even think we hit it that hard, but when I woke up in the morning it felt like somebody had hit me in the shoulders with a baseball bat. And my head was still tender.

That's all I'm going to say on this issue. Those of you who know me know why I'm upset. Maybe I'm letting it piss me off to much.
Maybe not.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mason's Pick

I'm happy to say it exceeded my expectations. You should watch it!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Video Games

Mom had me pick up Guitar Hero III for Kyle's birthday a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say, Kyle suckered me into playing. I'm hooked. *blushes* Not like, I have to play Guitar Hero or die hooked, but I actually go over to his dorm just to play. After the 3rd night of "gaming" (it was the weekend, don't judge me!) I came back to my room and sat down with Rzyski. We turned on the television and found this South Park episode......I think it's a sign! LOL

Monday, November 12, 2007

Let me take a moment to complain.

I've decided that my Christianity class requires WAY to much work. It's a 100 level course and we are required to take it...I didn't see the course description and think to myself "Wow, that looks like fun!" No, I grumbled and then proceeded to suck it up and register for the course.

Now I'm buried in homework.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think you should have to buy 4 books, print off only God knows how many handouts, buy a specific version of the Bible, go on field visits to churches (which require individual papers), plus write two other HUGE papers, oh and take 15 quizzes and 3 tests. To top it off the prof. rarely talks about anything on the syllabus. But like I said...maybe I'm crazy.

Oh..and lets not forget I was raised obviously I need more religion in my life.
*insert sarcasm*

Sleep vs. Limewire

Guess who won? On the up side I added over 150 songs to my library....on the down side, it's 6:24a.m. and I've yet to go to bed.
I've found some fun new music and I've downloaded lots of old favorites. XD
I guess I'll shut up now and get a couple hours of sleep in before I have to get up for work and classes.
Yay insomnia! *rolls eyes*

Monday, November 5, 2007

Let's try something new.

Okay, I'm here!
Xanga got old, I'll probably be importing a few of those entries later, first lets see if I like this set up.
Test blog...GO!