Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dinner With Friends

Last night I went to dinner with Rzyski and her grandparents, Ed and Peg. They were extraordinarily sweet and they took us to this amazing restaurant in Anderson. The interior of this place was like being out in the woods in some rooms and like being in a log cabin in others. We sat in the "forest" area. I honestly don't think I've ever enjoyed meeting any body's grandparents that much before.
After we got back to UIndy we left for BW3s where I treated my actors to dinner. We ended up staying and talking for hours. Overall yesterday was one of the better days I've had in months. (I'm sure the fact that finals were over that afternoon helped a little too. XD)

1 comment:

Nicci said...

Soooo...I redid my blog...anyway the url is now it out :]