Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dinner With Friends

Last night I went to dinner with Rzyski and her grandparents, Ed and Peg. They were extraordinarily sweet and they took us to this amazing restaurant in Anderson. The interior of this place was like being out in the woods in some rooms and like being in a log cabin in others. We sat in the "forest" area. I honestly don't think I've ever enjoyed meeting any body's grandparents that much before.
After we got back to UIndy we left for BW3s where I treated my actors to dinner. We ended up staying and talking for hours. Overall yesterday was one of the better days I've had in months. (I'm sure the fact that finals were over that afternoon helped a little too. XD)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Spirit

Tonight I went to The Ream's Christmas party. This has been one of my favorite holiday traditions since my freshman year of college. The best part of the evening is when we all gather around Jim in his living room and listen to him read a Christmas story. This year his selection was The Polar Express. There is something about being nearly 21 years old and sitting around with the whole theatre department to have a children's story read to you. It is a tremendous gift; it feels like your five years old again, nothing in the world matters, you just listen to Jim and his story. Simply amazing.

Monday, December 10, 2007


All of my papers for the semester are completed! XD
I feel like a 200lb weight has just been lifted off my shoulders.
On to finals week! My biggest worry is that I might loss my voice for juries. :'(
Cross your fingers and hope I can still sing on Thursday!

Friday, December 7, 2007


The Shape of Things was nominated to go to this years ACTF!!!!! (American College Theatre Festival) This means I'll have more to do, which will be awesome! Believe it or not, I enjoy activities that don't involve drinking myself into oblivion for a week straight....crazy right? A theatre kid who wants to do more than get shit faced. I am on the electrics crew for this production, so I'll be spending a good amount of time up on a ladder.

We will be going to Milwaukee in January. This will be the third time I've gone to the festival, but the first time the school's picking up the check. A free week stay at a hotel and travel expenses paid = Awesome!

And! I turn 21 before we go so I'll actually be able to buy my own alcohol on the nights that I do choose to drink. That'll make things much less complicated. XD

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I've been awake for so long that my days are running together. I wish I could sleep more....I'm a much more intelligent person when I'm alert. I turn into a ditz when I do this shit. I try to sleep, it just doesn't really happen. Then I finally pass out and have to wake up in 2hrs or less to go do things. And what's bad about that is after I'm up and moving I'm not tired anymore. Physically I'm fine, the circles under my eye may be a little deeper, but I have plenty of energy. Mentally it's a little more wearing. That was made clear last night when I forgot traffic laws applied to me. It wasn't anything big, and we weren't in any was just stupid. Red lights are not stop signs, it doesn't matter what time it is.