Sunday, June 20, 2010

Time to Update:

Since my last post I have completed my undergraduate studies and taken the position of summer auditorium manager. I'm still confused about my relationship status, but I guess in the grand scheme of things it's not something I should be worrying about as I'm searching for a job and considering moving.

There you have it, short, sweet, and too the point.
Hopefully I'll have some good news soon. :)

I was attacked by a squirrel again, I'm starting to think they really might be conspiring against me! LOL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahaha it's good to hear you're doing well - you know I stopped by here the other day and was like, "maaaan it's been a long time since she's updated" haha prayers answered!

Anyway good luck with the job hunting, your response letter is gonna be hella long, I apologize in advance.