Saturday, December 6, 2008


Finals week starts bright and early on Monday so I find myself lacking the motivation to make this entry terribly detailed...

Thanksgiving was alright, like everything else this year it had its ups and downs.

1. Mom had her hysterectomy two weeks before I made it home from UIndy. She's healing well and should be back to work soon. Aunt Viv switched us holidays so we wouldn't have to get everything ready so quickly after mom's surgery. Viv just had her gallbladder taken out in the not so distant past but she was in much better condition to host a party than mom was. I don't really know why the two of them didn't ask somebody else to host the family gathering, oh well...

2. The Sauerwein side was fun, I ended up staying at Viv's til about 1am. I didn't hang around as long to visit the Schwabs. I think I'm losings my tolerance for people with age. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate anybody, I just hate having the same conversation over and over again. Ex: "How are you? I never see you anymore. How's school. Why don't you ever come around?" People need to realize that the door swings both ways. Oh...and that my phone does ring! Just like the door...the phone rings both ways! After I've been around for about two hours all I hear about is how I'm never around...I take that as my que to leave. If you want to spend time with me maybe you should talk to me about things that matter, or talk to me like I'm in your family and not some stranger. Ok...enough ranting for now...

3. Mom tricked me into going shopping on Black Friday! *grumbles*
Although I swore to myself that I would NEVER go shopping on Black Friday again this year wasn't so bad. We got a later start, meaning Mom didn't wake me up at three and put me in the store with all those crazy assholes. I ran into Andy's like our yearly tradition. We don't even run into each other in the same city every year but somehow we find one another. I find it comical. I also finished Christmas shopping for my brothers; I got better prices on everything I bought so I guess it's kinda worth it. Oh, and Momma got me new bras and I got the pretty bag from Victoria's Secret for free. XD

4. Turkey Shoot! Turkey Shoot is an annual paintball game the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We go with friends from the Franklin County area. Kyle, Billy, Brad, Cody, and I all made the game this year. I love it! I'll be posting pictures on facebook soon if you want to check them out. :)
Oh, and p.s. Emma's mom makes the best venison chilli!

5. Tragedy hits and we leave the paintball game early. Grandpa Bill and Grandma Betty's house burned down. Everybody made it out safe and it wasn't a total loss. The second floor is gone and the first floor is lost to water damage. We were able to salvage some things. We found grandma's jewelry, grandpa's guns, some family pictures, and both of their safes. The material things are not what is important in this case. I wouldn't care if I never saw any of those things again in my life, what matters is that the people I love are safe. Red Cross helped my grandparents out by providing them money for some new clothes. The firemen also looked out for their health and got the medication out of the house. I am grateful to everybody who has helped my grandparents or offered to help them.
Insurance is going to cover a place for them to rent while they figure out what they're going to do next. They are getting ready move to Batesville this weekend. They will probably be there for atleast the next six months.

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