Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Can I relax yet?

I NEED Spring Break!!!

Ug, I've been so busy lately that I feel guilty when I finally sit down for an hour to catch up with things online and then maybe to breath.
I love being busy, I really do, I just don't like the stress that comes with taking on to many "leadership roles." I love being my little ambitious self, but sometimes I forget that I have homework on top of everything else. Midterms are here. Brad still hasn't approved my second directing scene. He said no to the first one I showed him so as of now I'm taking a break from searching through another Pinter play. (Yay mind fuck!) Anyhow...let me remember to exhale and get back to the point of this blog.

I want to go home and actually get to spend a good chunk of real time with Billy and Mom. Billy came up for little sibs weekend and nearly half of the time I had to hand him over to Kyle because I had to work the show. Suck. Atleast he could still come, if Kyle and I weren't both at this school I wouldn't have got to see him at all. He had to arrive a day late because weather got nasty in Brookville. Mom didn't get to see the show or my choir concert. Call me stupid for being upset, I generally don't care if she can't make it, but this time I reserved four tickets to Red Herring and had to give them all away. Then I was doing something somewhat special for the choir concert. *shrugs* I shouldn't complain, she made if for my solo. Dick didn't want to hang out for the concert...they would have only had to stay for another hour and I could have got them comp tickets.
I guess I just get excited when I think somebody's coming to see me and then they don't get to. It's not really anybody's fault. Yay nature.

Anyhow, I think I wanted to cry on atleast five different occasions Sunday. Overworking myself is hell on my emotions. Amelia and Matt came to visit this weekend too, Amelia stayed with me, so it wasn't a problem to see her, but I had to tell Matt, "No, I can't come" 80% of the time.

I guess the real point to this blog is that I want to go home and see my family. I want to go on a hike and breath. I'm going to Chicago for a few days for Yen's birthday and I'm psyched about it, but I just want to go home. Mom looked so sad when she had to leave.

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