Sunday, November 8, 2009

Possible Changes

The University has created a new position; I'm applying and seriously considering the job. If I were to be hired I would be managing the Wheeler Arts Center's theatre. This includes lighting, sound, and maintaining the space. I've talked to Fritz, he thinks I can handle the job and suggests I at least apply.

This leads to my first set of major questions: Could I take on this position and still keep my position as a student manager? Do I want a second job? I need the money, but do I have the time?
Second set of major questions: Which job would benefit me most? Where can I learn the most? Would I have to run Wheeler's events and if so would they fit into my schedule?

In my ideal world I would be able to have both jobs. Wheeler could teach me new management skills and let me put my knowledge of areas outside of lighting to a greater use. UIndy offers technology that Wheeler could never come close to, therefore I have a lot left to learn as a student manager. Ransburg has all digital boards, something I'll need to know how to run if I do get into the professional world. Wheeler is all analogue, I know basic analogue functions for both sound and light, but it is still a good skill set to master. I would have to learn another way of cabling, etc, etc, etc.

If nothing happens else happens this position opening has prompted me to ask Fritz A LOT of questions and he's given me great answers. Example: I now have a much better understanding of how a dimmer functions.

So, as everything stands now, I will be applying for the job. IF they do call me in for an interview and consider hiring me I do not know if I will take the position. I have more questions about this position than I have ever had for an employer. The job description is vague, Fritz has led me to believe this is because the University doesn't know exactly what it wants yet. I'd like to visually see what I'd be getting myself into so I'm going to email Ryan (the alum that I believe would be in charge of hiring me) to see if I can set up a tour of the facility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fight for the job don't just apply