Sunday, November 29, 2009

Two More Weeks

I'm sitting in the studio starring at my set. I'm distracted from my homework because I'm wondering how all of the final pieces will appear by tomorrow, how I'm going to fix things w/my actors when one couldn't show up for rehearsal this afternoon, and how our first tech rehearsal is going to go tonight....

I'm also distracted by thoughts of car shopping, the things in my price range thus far have not been so promising. I wish I had an extra thou to throw on top of the settlement, that would boost the quality of my options incredibly.

I'm also thinking about the mound of work again, I managed to tackle things much more efficiently at home. Does actually being in Indy really stress me out THAT much? I don't get it...changing location should not change my ability to tackle one problem at a time.

Okay, finished whining, maybe I can focus now...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bang'em up

Never in my life have I been more terrified than in the 2 seconds it took Billy to respond to me after we were hit head on Saturday night.

We were on our way home from Batesville, heading down 229 around 7pm. I came around a bend just outside of Peppertown to find oncoming traffic in my lane. I remember slamming on the brakes and white; the air bags obstructed my view.

We are very lucky, I was the only one injured. My ankle is sprained with some small tears in a couple of the ligaments, that's all! It's amazing how much a car doesn't matter when you're little brother is okay and you walk out alive.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Possible Changes

The University has created a new position; I'm applying and seriously considering the job. If I were to be hired I would be managing the Wheeler Arts Center's theatre. This includes lighting, sound, and maintaining the space. I've talked to Fritz, he thinks I can handle the job and suggests I at least apply.

This leads to my first set of major questions: Could I take on this position and still keep my position as a student manager? Do I want a second job? I need the money, but do I have the time?
Second set of major questions: Which job would benefit me most? Where can I learn the most? Would I have to run Wheeler's events and if so would they fit into my schedule?

In my ideal world I would be able to have both jobs. Wheeler could teach me new management skills and let me put my knowledge of areas outside of lighting to a greater use. UIndy offers technology that Wheeler could never come close to, therefore I have a lot left to learn as a student manager. Ransburg has all digital boards, something I'll need to know how to run if I do get into the professional world. Wheeler is all analogue, I know basic analogue functions for both sound and light, but it is still a good skill set to master. I would have to learn another way of cabling, etc, etc, etc.

If nothing happens else happens this position opening has prompted me to ask Fritz A LOT of questions and he's given me great answers. Example: I now have a much better understanding of how a dimmer functions.

So, as everything stands now, I will be applying for the job. IF they do call me in for an interview and consider hiring me I do not know if I will take the position. I have more questions about this position than I have ever had for an employer. The job description is vague, Fritz has led me to believe this is because the University doesn't know exactly what it wants yet. I'd like to visually see what I'd be getting myself into so I'm going to email Ryan (the alum that I believe would be in charge of hiring me) to see if I can set up a tour of the facility.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I Resign...

I hereby tender my resignation as an adult. I want to accept the responsibilities of and 8 year-old go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant.
I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer's day. I want to return to a time when life was simple. When all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you upset. I want to believe that anything is possible. I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones. I want to believe in the power of smiles, mankind, and making angels in the snow.'s my checkbook and my car keys, my credit card bills and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood.
And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, cause....
"Tag! You're it."

-Author unknown

Thursday, October 22, 2009


So, after talking to Dustin I've been singing lullabies most of the night. I sing many songs to the little ones in my life; however, only two of the songs are actual lullabies.

Here's the one I know in English. Unfortunately I cannot find a decent recording of the German one...I guess you'll just have to ask me to sing it for you!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kendra Lee Sauerwein

I'm a Godmother!!!

Kendra was born September 25 at 7:07pm. She was 6lbs 3.5oz, 19in, and perfect!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's been a long, long time


I just found out last night that I will indeed be directing a show in December. It isn't anything big, but I still get to do it! I will be doing a cutting from "Same Time, Next Year" by Bernard Slade.

Also, I may have worked my last day ever at Kelley's Sunday. I'll miss it there but I hope I don't have to go back...I would like to do something w/my degree. Ann and Rich had a great vacation and I was happy to discover that I am capable of running the store, even if it was just for two days.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


One flat note, four bad breaths, and I was corrected by one of the judges.
I think I sounded okay, but I got really nervous and didn't actually "perform."
I have no idea what my grade sheet will say, I kinda want to be sick thinking about it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Why can't I find it?'s so frustrating! I'm sitting here with all my research and I know what I want to say, but as soon as I sit down to type my mind goes blank. Grrr!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

End of semester...

It's here and I wish I could say I was ready for it.
I still have to write five papers, do a final project, prepare a speech, and finish out the shows.
Less than three weeks to go.
God I'm ready to go home.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas break, ACTF, and the new semseter

I really should start updating this more often again...I'm sure the long posts are getting old. *shrugs*

I'll start with the most recent news....

I finished my first week of the semester and so far things look like they're going to be great! I'm ubber excited about my Adult Aging and Development class! I get to do my field studies at an assisted living facility and I'll be visiting a nursing home. The assingment I'm most excited about is the interview...I'm going to set up a date with my grandpa and use him as my subject! ♥

The week before school started I made a trip up to Saginaw, Michigan with my theatre department. We brought a show, Spike Heels, to compete at ACTF.
If you would like to know more about the festival check out the website:
We had a full house for every performance! I was the light designer and master electrician. I lost my crew/board opp at the last minute so a lot of my preparation didn't help me out as much as I had hoped it would. The "fixed plot" I received wasn't so fixed when we started loading in either....grrr!!!!
I ended up running the board and although my crew was not replaced I did receive some extra help from Mason, Manny, AnnieB, Lucas, Jim, and Fritz when they had time to spare. Thanks guys! :)
I was stressed for most of the load in (we only got 4hrs to put up our entire show and fix the cues....) but I did learn a lot and I'm thankful for the experience.

I spent New Year's Day with Mom and the boys. Dick came over and we had sauerkraut with lunch. I'm not really superstitious but I love that tradition!
New Year's Eve I ran all over the place! I started my evening at a dinner party, then went out for karaoke, and ended the night at a friends house drinking and sharing stories. :)

I spent the 26th-30th celebrating birthdays. Happy Birthday to me, Britt, Lauren, Katie, and Lori!
I saw my entire family for Christmas between the 24-25th. Mom's side of the family came to our house and I got to help cook for 30+. :D

BIG NEWS!!! On the 24th Marie AND Lori had their babies! Olivia Nicole (named after me! *dances*) and Wyatt Henry!!! I got to see them both! 8D

On my first night back I went to Kelley's Store Christmas Party. :)
Brubaker gave me a ride home, went to the party with me, and stayed for the weekend. I finally got him to come to Franklin County!