Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tragic News in the Acting World

Heath Ledger, an actor that was undeniably a rising star in Hollywood, died today in a Lower Manhattan apartment. He was 28. It is tragic that many of our great talents perish so senselessly, so young. Be it James Dean, River Phoenix or Chris Farley, it always seems that -- as Billy Joel once sang -- "only the good die young." Ledger's legacy will live on in the films he managed to make during his brief, 28 year life.
~Taken from an article written by Branden Hart .

I've been a fan since I saw Heath in 10 Things I Hate About You and enjoyed many of his other films. I'll miss seeing him. : (

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) (filming)
The Dark Knight (2008)
I'm Not There (2007)
Candy (2006)
Casanova (2005)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
The Brothers Grimm (2005)
Lords of Dogtown (2005)
The Order (2003)
Ned Kelly (2003)
The Four Feathers (2002)
Monster's Ball (2001)
A Knight's Tale (2001)
The Patriot (2000)
Two Hands (1999)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Paws (1997)
Blackrock (1997)
Clowning Around (1992)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bad News in the Department

Wednesday a full faculty/student meeting was called for UIndy Theatre. Nobody knew what was going on and everybody was slightly nervous with feelings of "impending doom."
Never did we expect this to better explain, here's the follow up email from Jim:

For those who missed yesterday's meeting and haven't heard the news,
I have mixed feelings to report that after almost 14 years, Jeffrey
Barnes will be leaving UIndy. He has accepted a position with Herron
Arts School. They made him an offer he couldn't refuse even though
we wish he had. Jeffrey's last official day will be February 1.

I know that you join me in congratulating Jeffrey as he makes this
move. On the plus side for us....wait there is no plus side for us.
We are happy for Jeffrey, but will miss his talents, skills and many
contributions to our crazy world.

The search process for a replacement (I know. It can't be done) has
already begun.
Because people who work so hard and so closely together become like a
family, there may be some strong feelings. Change is never easy. We
will carry on.

I have tried to think of some creative inspiring salutation for this
message. They all sound trite and pathetic.

Just know that there are many people in our theatre family who care
about you.
Jim Ream

Needless to say, things are getting frantic. Not only is Jeffrey my boss, but he's our technical director and we have a show to load in the week after he leaves. We still don't even know who will fill the positions of assistant technical director or master carpenter
He does so much for the department and PRIDE. He coordinated the drag show...he brought us Judy Shepard. He's heard me out more than once and brought me back to sanity.
Now I'm left w/the assignment to clean the shop well and send him a list of everything we need so he can take care of it before he leaves....IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!
I am happy for is a better paying job w/less hrs and he'll be able to focus on his shows, but at the same time...*pout*.

Cross your fingers for me and hope this is a tolerable semester. :'(

Monday, January 14, 2008


I went to Sears to get new glasses. Love the frames but, THEY GAVE ME THE WRONG PRESCRIPTION!!! The lenses are weaker than they should be. I told their optometrists that I thought he was wrong, he didn't want to listen to me let alone do his job. My exam took LESS than 10mins. Stupid. Now I have to go all the way home to get these things fixed. The receipt is as the house, that's AT LEAST 180 miles round trip that I shouldn't have to drive. Lets not forget to add on the milage for whichever Sears I have to go to. Bastards! I'm sticking w/my optometrist from here on out!


Today was my last day in Milwaukee, ACTF is over.
Thank God.

I had fun, but the rooming situation reminded me A LOT of high school. Aside from the rehash of my teen years, I really don't have anything to complain about. Well, maybe that it's nearly 5a.m. and I've been working extremely hard all week and I'm exhausted. I can't stop thinking so why not blog? Who knows, I'll probably be able to sleep after I finish this post.

Our show was a big success! The Shape of Things may not have moved on to the national competition, but it gained our department a lot of respect throughout our region. (KCACTF Region III: Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois.) The audience's response to the show was amazing! We got great feedback from the respondents on the acting, design, and tech aspects of the show, and.....we almost won the Golden Hand Truck Award! XD Out of all the productions that took place in the theatre space we used the house crew nominated us for this award, which means they thought our tech crew was the safest and most efficient crew they observed. Go us!

We also had two students from our department make it to the semi-final round of Irene Ryans! (It's an acting competition and only eight out of 270 nominees and their partners get to this round.) This is also big because it puts our school's name out there and proves that small departments can achieve greatness.

Sadly this year I didn't have time to make it to any of the work shops I wanted to participate in. We had too much going on with the show. I was really excited about one that worked on how to "act out a song." I even went to a library to track down sheet music, it was required that you have it. I kid you not, it wasn't even five minutes after I copied the music I needed that I discovered our time to load the show's things into the loading dock/holding area was at the same time as my work shop. I nearly cried. Silly thing to be upset about, but I really had my heart set on it.

Our hotel hosted an opening night party for the festival. It was so much fun! We mostly stuck together as a department, but I got to meet a few new people there and throughout the week. I got an ego boost from John, he complemented me on my dancing. He's fun to dance with himself; I made him promise me that he'd show me the good clubs in Indy when we got back.

I did find time to see three shows, all at the Pabst Theatre in downtown Milwaukee. Dracula was amazing! We made sure to get there before house opened so we could fight our way to the front of the crowd and sit close. The set was HUGE! The tech was awesome, they had a great dance at the beginning of the play and because we did get to sit in the third row it felt like we were in the scenes.
I also saw an original student production called Arts or Crafts. It too was impressive, it made you think about things. And their set was so interesting, the concept was origami, everything was flat on the floor and then pieces folded together to create the scene's furniture. It sort of looked like a pop-up book. The only other scenic elements where two framed projection screens. Nearly everything about the production was interesting, even intermission, we went out to the lobby and got to make our own art or craft.
The other show was the first live musical that could just sit back and watch. My only other musical theatre experience includes the time I ran sound for our musical production and movies. I'm sad to say that I was dissapointed. The entire thing was cheesy and hard to understand. None of it was projected well enough to reach the balcony seat that I had chosen.

For me this year's ACTF was an amazing experience. I had a great time. I'm saving all the good memories and letting go of the extra drama. I feel that I learned a lot.
Oh! One small thing, I tried something totally new...Alpha Psi had a dinner the last night of the festival and I tried octopus. Surprisingly it's not bad!
I even managed not to have a single hang over. Pretty impressive considering I just turned 21 and attended the American COLLEGE THEATRE Festival, huh?

For those of you who have no idea what I just talked about and would like to know more about ACTF check out these links:

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Holiday Update

As of last night I am back on campus, however, I'm not here to stay. I have the trip to Milwaukee to look forward to in the coming week. We had our first day of rehearsal yesterday and I have to go back for round two in a few hours. I'm on electrics crew, so my work is agreeable. We only have to hang and cable four lights, the rest of our work will be switching out gels and focusing. We don't even have to run the fly system, the house crew is taking care of it. Sweet Action!!!

Okay, so working backwards here are some details on my holidays.

New Years:
I stayed home with Momma because she wasn't feeling well. I did get a few interesting phone calls...I talked to nearly every person named Matt that I know. was kind of the theme for the night.

My Birthday:
Was amazing!
Mom took Heather R and I out to Liberty to meet up with Dick and have a few drinks with them, then around 6:00 we left for Batesville to meet up with the rest of the group.
I had my mom, Aunt Rhonda, Heather Davis and Heather Robinson all go up to Indy with me. We planned on going to Howl at the Moon Saloon, but after arriving at its doors found it to still be closed for the holiday. Oh well, now I have a promised visit from Mom and others to go "Howl" with me.
Our next stop was Hard Rock Cafe, but before I could get to it I ran into a friend from home...he scared the hell out of me, but I was still more than happy to see him. Yay Bryce! He was in town w/his new boy. (A cute new boy at that...why are they all gay?)
We had a blast at Hard Rock, we had blow jobs and raced to tie knots in cherry stems....the bartender loved us, wonder why? ;P
We ended the evening at the Slippery Noodle. It's the oldest bar in Indiana and they have live blues every night. I know it was a little loud for Mom's taste, and truth be told I would have liked to be able to have more conversation around the table, but I really enjoyed the atmosphere.
Yay 21!!! XD

As always Christmas Day was spent with Mom and her side of the family and Christmas Eve spent with Dad's. We meet Dad for a Christmas dinner on the 23rd. Nothing to terribly out of the ordinary occurred over these three days. Grandma left early, I guess the puddin had already started. (Don't ask me what that means, I don't know.)
I did get some pretty awesome presents and I'm very proud of some of the gifts I found for others. I'll not bore you with a long two favorite things were the Wii mom got me for Christmas and the Rum Cake Aunt Kathy made me. The cake was technically for my was the DDR game for Wii Mom let me open early, but hey, they're so close it doesn't matter.
Jack sends his Christmas wishes. He's the reason we didn't put ornaments one the tree this year....

Happy Holidays everybody! Best of wishes for 2008.

With love,