Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas break, ACTF, and the new semseter

I really should start updating this more often again...I'm sure the long posts are getting old. *shrugs*

I'll start with the most recent news....

I finished my first week of the semester and so far things look like they're going to be great! I'm ubber excited about my Adult Aging and Development class! I get to do my field studies at an assisted living facility and I'll be visiting a nursing home. The assingment I'm most excited about is the interview...I'm going to set up a date with my grandpa and use him as my subject! ♥

The week before school started I made a trip up to Saginaw, Michigan with my theatre department. We brought a show, Spike Heels, to compete at ACTF.
If you would like to know more about the festival check out the website:
We had a full house for every performance! I was the light designer and master electrician. I lost my crew/board opp at the last minute so a lot of my preparation didn't help me out as much as I had hoped it would. The "fixed plot" I received wasn't so fixed when we started loading in either....grrr!!!!
I ended up running the board and although my crew was not replaced I did receive some extra help from Mason, Manny, AnnieB, Lucas, Jim, and Fritz when they had time to spare. Thanks guys! :)
I was stressed for most of the load in (we only got 4hrs to put up our entire show and fix the cues....) but I did learn a lot and I'm thankful for the experience.

I spent New Year's Day with Mom and the boys. Dick came over and we had sauerkraut with lunch. I'm not really superstitious but I love that tradition!
New Year's Eve I ran all over the place! I started my evening at a dinner party, then went out for karaoke, and ended the night at a friends house drinking and sharing stories. :)

I spent the 26th-30th celebrating birthdays. Happy Birthday to me, Britt, Lauren, Katie, and Lori!
I saw my entire family for Christmas between the 24-25th. Mom's side of the family came to our house and I got to help cook for 30+. :D

BIG NEWS!!! On the 24th Marie AND Lori had their babies! Olivia Nicole (named after me! *dances*) and Wyatt Henry!!! I got to see them both! 8D

On my first night back I went to Kelley's Store Christmas Party. :)
Brubaker gave me a ride home, went to the party with me, and stayed for the weekend. I finally got him to come to Franklin County!