Thursday, August 7, 2008


To follow up on the American Idol auditions...I had fun! XD
I didn't really go with the intention of moving on to the show I just wanted to spend time with friends, go audition for the experience, and sing. I got exactly what I wanted! XD (How often can a person really say that? lol) I haven't sang like that in front of that many people in years and it made me feel so alive! I miss running around singing at the top of my lungs all the time! I should do it more often.

My grandpa is recovering from his surgery. Hopefully this will be the end of the prostate cancer. Cross your fingers!

I'll be moving back to Indy soon. I'm so ready. I'll have an apartment and I'll be living with my friend Yen! XD Move in date is Aug. 20th.