Spring break was awesome, but WAY too short. I'm back up in Indy with a busy end of the semester ahead of me. I found out over break that I get to be Master Electrician for our next production, Hedda Gabler. Cool job title, yes. Heavy work load, yes. I have to hang/cable/focus/etc the lights. I know BARE minimum about lighting. I've got a lot more to learn than anticipated. It'll be good for me down the road, nice on a resume, great skills to have.
Chicago was amazing. I had a lot of time to relax and got some awesome shopping in. Yen's birthday was fun! I helped her make a cake and we went to Applebee's with her family. I'm totally jealous, they went to a drag show on Friday, I had to go home before then.
While home over break I got minimum amounts of homework finished. I played a few kick ass games of paintball and went to karaoke on Saturday night. Going to the legion with Mom is so much fun, especially when I can get her to dance! XD
And for today:
Happy St. Patty's day! I didn't go out. Instead I stayed in, drank some Irish coffee and watched Boondock Saints with a couple friends. How can you go wrong with Sean Patrick Flanery? *swoon*